Stacy's Picks
I absolutely LOVE my pick this week. This layout was created by Lisa Soares, who lives in Irvine, California, not too far from (you guessed it) Disneyland! Lisa in fact has an annual pass to the happiest place on earth and meets her sister, brother-n-law and their four children there every month—and sometimes more often than that. Lisa has always loved crafts, but her sister doesn’t share her passion for scrapbooking, so she is the official Disney photographer and memory keeper. She does Project Life weekly and often includes pictures of her nieces and nephews, but she also creates 12x12 layouts, like this one with her best and most favorite photos. Lisa also loves to scrapbook everyday life with her husband of (almost) 23 years and her two awesome cats, 15 and 19 years old—the subjects of many, many pictures and pages!
Lisa initially got hooked on stamping and card making back in the early 90s and subsequently discovered scrapbooking, her true love. She has never wavered and has enjoyed every stage and phase as our industry has grown, matured and changed to become what it is today. Lisa actually took a class with me at a CKU event, years ago in Anaheim, which was a fun for me to learn! Lisa is new to Big Picture Classes and finding her way around, so let’s gather around her and make her feel welcome—did you know that when you pull up a fellow member’s profile page, you can click on the little speech bubble and send them a direct message?! Yes, you can!
Lisa is loving the chance to take so many different classes from artists, who’s work she admires so much. She was super happy to see Nancy Damiano’s class posted. In Nancy’s class, Detailed, you’ll watch as she assembles four layouts and shares tips and tricks for photo, stamping, folding and shape details. Nancy discusses design principles and the why behind the decisions she makes throughout her creative process. Nancy often uses enlarged photos, because of the contrast that they introduce and the story foundation they create. She says,
“When choosing a large background photo, keep in mind that you will need some white space to work with. Scenery photos work best for this type of layout. There’s usually a spot that can be covered without sacrificing the story. Try this with pictures of a skyline or mountain views. Remember that this photo sets the stage!”
Lisa says of Nancy, “… her style just clicks with mine. I hope she’ll be back with more in the future!”
You can learn more about Nancy’s Detailed class here, and much more about Lisa Soares, by visiting her blog at
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