I've always been a fan of Barb's work and seeing her process and getting tips in this class was wonderful! I've never been great at doing things digitally so the walk through of how she prints on her journaling cards was so helpful!
I love this class. The lessons were well planned and broken down in a way that made sense so that it's not overwhelming. My only complaint is that the lessons are not "printable" and I can't save them for reference throughout the year (without having a computer in front of me) easily. I would have loved to set up a notebook with the lessons and the printouts provided to help keep me on track. I miss the printability of the old BPC classes and truly wish you'd bring that feature back. You did it for the NSD lessons, so I don't understand why it's not done for all classes.
To me, this is exactly the type of class I love and I need. Videos were available, but not all of the content (I don't often have the time or focus available to plug in and concentrate as I have a toddler to watch) and it covers the topic I needed most - the process. It was easy to understand and provided quality content delivered in several ways so people who learn differently can use the best method for them. Handouts and worksheets are a huge plus - tools, tools, tools - and I appreciated the instructor's style. Win!