Pocket Prompts |13
3. Collection
for this prompt i decided to pick my washi tape colectiion as it will work really well in my pocket page with the journling 3. Currently Obsessed With as every where i go i seem to pick up new tape. my partner was sure i had plenty by now but after putting it all out at once i found out i have very little purple yellow and orange tape so i realy should go and do some more shopping lol
3. Collection
for this prompt i decided to pick my washi tape colectiion as it will work really well in my pocket page with the journling 3. Currently Obsessed With as every where i go i seem to pick up new tape. my partner was sure i had plenty by now but after putting it all out at once i found out i have very little purple yellow and orange tape so i realy should go and do some more shopping lol
Haha, I'm obsessed with washi tape as well :)
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