Refresh Your Creativity with New Classes!

We have fresh new classes to share with you today!  There is something to tickle all of your creativity juices, so get ready for some fun! Join Marie Lottermoser in Spring Mini to create a mini album that celebrates all the fun and wonderful activities of spring. Learn how to engage older children with mom and photographer Christa Paustenbaugh in Captured | Tweens & Teens. Use your supplies in new and unique ways with Paige Evans in Paige’s Pages.

Spring Mini with Marie Lottermoser

Create a mini album that celebrates all the fun and wonderful activities of spring! In this class, Marie Lottermoser guides you through making a quick and simple mini scrapbook. Do you prefer to document the daily grind or just the special moments? This class allows you to create an album at the pace that fits you best. Through the use of interactive pages, handmade envelopes, pocket-page dividers, and more, this mini album will easily hold all of your spring memories. Marie shows that, even though everyone’s techniques are different, there is no right or wrong way to craft—which is half the fun!

Celebrate spring with Marie!

Paige's Pages with Paige Evans

When it comes to creating layouts, sometimes less is more. In Paige's Pages, Paige Evans will be sharing the inspiration and techniques she uses each time she starts a layout. This month, Paige shows how to create four simple but beautiful layouts using items found in her stash. She’ll challenge you to stretch your supplies further in order to create monochromatic layouts, die-cut backgrounds, and more. Join Paige, and sort through your stash to find inspiration for your next project.

Get creative with Paige!

Captured | Tweens & Teens with Christa Paustenbaugh

Having trouble getting “good” pictures of the tween or teen in your life? Experienced mom and photographer Christa Paustenbaugh reveals techniques on how to engage older children when taking their photo. You’ll learn how to pinpoint and capture the seemingly mundane details while still respecting your teen’s time and space so that their “inner child” can shine through. Christa also shares tips for capturing individual personalities, posing tweens and teens naturally, and creating photo shoots that are fun and relaxed so that you can get more of those “good” photos.

Learn how to engage and capture your tween or teen with Christa

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