School Time Solutions
School Time Solutions
As parents, we want to treasure each and every piece of memorabilia and artwork our child creates. But often, that's not always realistic. Michelle Wedertz is here to share loads of tips and tricks for incorporating your child's school, sports, and artistic ephemera directly into your memory keeping in School Time Solutions. Save space while creating precious time capsules you and your child will love to look back on. Our children's accomplishments are special, and they deserve to be recorded.

What you'll learn +
- How to incorporate school related ephemera directly on a layout
- Unique ideas for scrapping school-related items using both pocket pages and traditional layouts
- Tips and tricks for confining your child's most important school memories in one location
- How to use basic design elements to incorporate large pieces of art into a layout
1. School Time Solutions
2. Embellishing with Artwork
3. Back to the Pocket
4. The Newstand
5. Medaling
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School Time Solutions
As parents, we want to treasure each and every piece of memorabilia and artwork our child creates. But often, that's not always realistic. Michelle Wedertz is here to share loads of tips and tricks for incorporating your child's school, sports, and artistic ephemera directly into your memory keeping in School Time Solutions. Save space while creating precious time capsules you and your child will love to look back on. Our children's accomplishments are special, and they deserve to be recorded.

What you'll learn +
- How to incorporate school related ephemera directly on a layout
- Unique ideas for scrapping school-related items using both pocket pages and traditional layouts
- Tips and tricks for confining your child's most important school memories in one location
- How to use basic design elements to incorporate large pieces of art into a layout