Mixed Media Art & Prints Album
Painted background
Used watercolour paints on watercolour paper -- find the process of painting very relaxing but I need more practice!!
Painted background
Used watercolour paints on watercolour paper -- find the process of painting very relaxing but I need more practice!!
I think your watercolor looks beautiful! Great choice of colors, the only tip I would give is to try painting with a little more water. It can be tricky if you are using pan watercolours as they soak the water up really fast! You could mix your colors from the little pans of paints on a palette, you have more control of the water that way.
Thanks for the suggestion; I'll try that with some of the other activities. I used Jane Davenport's paints and I find the color for them to be really intense. Lovely to work with though!
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Love the colors
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