5 Reviews

Couldn't wait for you to show me how to do this. Each class was great. I really enjoyed the circle design the most and can't wait to try it after Thanksgiving.
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Great class!! Wonderful layouts and lots of information! Thanks so much!
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@Duffy88 Conyers, GA
Loved the lessons. Well planned and delivered. Great to see more than one example for each lesson too. Thanks for the inspiration
@dalex Queensland, Australia
I learned so-much from Becki., especially about the basics. She gives detailed instructions and so-many examples of the pages she has done. I give all of her classes 100% and I've watched them time and time again.
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@Joxf1423 Sand Springs, OK
I enjoy learning about scrapbook design, and think this is one of the best classes I've ever seen. I appreciate that the lessons were well planned and explained. The examples were great; I like her style. Thank you, and I hope to see more instruction from Becki.
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@tnaf Sacramento, CA
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