15-Minute Pages
With grandma!
A layout that I had a struggle to make it belong together. I don't feel I succeded completely but I'm happy that I made a layout. It became clear With My lack of dekorations. Love if someone has ideas what to do. Also didn't manage in 15 min.needed the double. My last november after that was to put on the Clouds. Thought that helped to bring them together.
With grandma!
A layout that I had a struggle to make it belong together. I don't feel I succeded completely but I'm happy that I made a layout. It became clear With My lack of dekorations. Love if someone has ideas what to do. Also didn't manage in 15 min.needed the double. My last november after that was to put on the Clouds. Thought that helped to bring them together.
I really like that you used the neutral background, makes the patterns and details pop! I don't think you need much more, congrats on getting it done :)
TY, I'm so satisfied in getting all these layouts done with some fun. Even though I didn't manage the time limit it has been a good exercise that I'll try more times. I've found that I don'tget stuck in details :) Thanka for all the inspiration.
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