10 Fun Theme Ideas for Mini Albums
Looking for new ideas for your next mini album? Look no further! The teachers here at BPC have compiled ten fun theme ideas for your next mini. Feature a vacation with Allison Waken in Record Your Cruise from Start to Finish. Created a treasured keepsake in Letters for Them with Christina Alvarez. Or document your favorite seasonal memories with Lilith Eeckels in Summer of Fun | DIY Mini. Try out all ten ideas and create mini albums you'll love!
Document your cruise or vacation.
Record Your Cruise from Start to Finish, Allison Waken
Whether you have a cruise or vacation coming up OR you've already gone, this class will walk you through the creation of a notebook-sized mini album from scratch to finish. Doing this in a notebook-sized album is my favorite because it's quick, easy, and not intimidating. If a notebook isn't your style, you could also go with a mini book, pocket page album, or traditional scrapbook pages. Choose whatever feels right for you!
Write letters to your loved ones.
Letters for Them, Cristina Alvarez
I consider myself a storyteller, and with my scrapbook, I document stories of my family in Project Life® and similar projects such as Week in the Life™ and December Daily®. But since I found out I was pregnant, a new bond was created between my child and me, and I wanted to celebrate this new tie with a specific scrapbook project.
At the beginning, I wasn't planning on turning this into a scrapbook project. I just needed to “talk” with my baby. So I began a diary in which I wrote everything related to both of us and to my pregnancy. When my daughter was born, I decided to transform those intermittent texts into regular ones and began to write one letter to my newborn daughter each month on the day of her anniversary. Lately, I've put all these letters together into an album and accompanied them with one (or several) pictures of her or us for each month.
Create a photo-a-day challenge mini.
Photo-a-Day | 04, Leigh Odynski
With some actionable steps, we can break this project down into batches and assemble the mini album assembly line style. During this process, I found some days I was inspired to shoot more than one day of prompts, and am thrilled with the end result. The finished mini album (the DIY Notebook from Heidi Swapp) became one of my most treasured projects to date, and I hope you enjoy your completed album just as much!
Check out all the Photo-a-Day classes here!
Capture what your life looks like right now.
"Us" | A Mini Book About Your Life, Kelli Rich
I'm so excited to teach you how to make this mini book. Mine is filled with moments of my life. I have entitled it "Us" because it's all about me, my husband, and our three boys. It expresses a little bit about each of my kids and is filled with lots of pictures and interactive elements. It represents so much about us and our life right now.
Focus on a season.
Summer of Fun | DIY Mini, Lilith Eeckles
In this class, we're going to create a mini book from scratch to document all of your favorite summer memories, whether it's a vacation or just everyday summer fun.
Celebrate a special day together.
Girls' Day Mini, Stefanie Ried
Starting last year, my daughter and I started a new tradition. 2-3 times a year, we have a special day together—a Mommy-Daughter day for just the two of us! Usually, she is very excited about our special dates. We decide together what we are going to do, whether it be the water park, ice cream, or go on a trip. This particular time, we went to the city and made a shopping trip. We had lots of fun. I hope that our special days together will be a long tradition. For every special day, I make a mini book. In this class, I'm going to share how to record these special days and moments. You can adapt the ideas in the class to document any type of event you wish.
Dedicate an album to your furry friend.
Squawk, Meow, Bark | Documenting Your Pets, Christine Palka
If you’re like me, you absolutely adore your little animal friends—whether they’re furry, feathery, or perhaps even scaly! In this class, I will teach you how to document your pet(s) in a mini book. The mini book will focus on telling the stories of your pet, and its relationship with your family (or just yourself) by using photos, journaling, and creativity.
Showcase your home.
Where We Live, Maggie Massey
We're going to focus on documenting those places where we spend the most time—our homes. For the next five lessons, I will be walking you through how to create a photo journal full of photos of your home with a focus on storytelling.
Cover a span of time.
Through the Years, Juli Maniago
When I first started scrapbooking, I instantly regretted not starting sooner. I’ve always been a memory hoarder, and when I realized I could have actual physical evidence of it, I was hooked. Unfortunately, I can’t go back and document everything single thing that happened before I started documenting my life. But I sure can try. Which brings me to this class! I’m going to put together a mini album focusing on a fairly lengthy portion of time—four years to be exact. For a lot of people, going back and documenting several years can be a daunting task that doesn’t seem realistic or practical. I’ll show you how to pick and choose the photos and stories that matter.
Record your holiday traditions.
Christmas Traditions Mini, Carson Riutta
For this class, I was able to realize an idea I’ve had for a while now to document our family’s holiday traditions in mini-album form. December is such a busy month for all of us, and I've always had a hard time managing my memory keeping during this hectic time. Even remembering to take pictures can sometimes be difficult with everything else that has to get done. Needless to say, I’m not the best at keeping up with a December-Daily®-type project. What I really wanted to document in December is not the day-to-day but the meaning and the tradition that we as a family have developed over the years and are continuing to develop going forward.
Are you inspired to start working on your next mini album? Get started today in these ten fun classes! Remember, as a member of Big Picture Classes, you get access to our entire library of classes. Sign up now and start exploring!
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