Get Inspired with New Classes

Jump into a new classroom and get inspired to create something! Put your oldest products to work with Magdalena Hanéll in Old & New. Get inspired with fresh photography and journaling prompts from Leontien van Veen in Pocket Prompts | 30. And Mandy Ford shares her love for doodling in Doodling Nature. Check out each class and get your creative juices flowing this week. 

Old & New

Everything old can be made new again! Join Magdalena Hanéll and put your most-loved and hoarded supplies to work. Pull out your patterned papers, specialty papers, alphas, and embellishments and pair them with new supplies and techniques to make inspired, modern projects you'll love! Even if a trend has passed, Magdalena shares her tips and tricks for featuring old supplies in new and exciting ways! At the end of this class, you'll walk away with a stash full of fun and usable supplies you didn't know you had!

Dust off those older supplies with Magdalena!

Pocket Prompts | 30

Ready to learn more techniques, tips, and project ideas for your pocket-based, memory-keeping projects? Each month, we'll bring you a new Pocket Prompts class from an inspiring pocket-page maker. This month, Leontien van Veen will be sharing five photo prompts and five journaling prompts, as well as a look into her process of putting a page together from start to finish.

Get inspired with Leontien!

Doodling Nature

Turn your doodles into works of art. In this class, Mandy Ford shares her love for doodling while guiding you through the process of creating your own basic doodled shapes. Start with nature shapes, doodling clouds, leaves, flowers, and more. Then take your doodles to the next level with details and connected images. Whether you're hanging your doodles on the wall or embellishing a larger project, enhance your doodling with Mandy's inspiration and tips!

Doodle with Mandy!

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