Stacy's Pick

Happy Friday everyone!

At my house on Friday mornings, we sing a little ditty, that goes something like ... It's Friday, it's Friday, it's really, really Friday! Of course I can't convey the tune very well with just words, but trust me when I say it's happy. That's why Stacie Dietz's very HAPPY page caught my eye and is my pick this week. 

Stacie (@stacieD) created this layout in response to a challenge that Ginny Hughes' posted in our National Scrapbook Day class. Ginny is all about alphas in her class, From A to Z and her challenge to fill a page with letters and fonts follows suit. What I LOVE about this page, in addition to the repeated "happys" are the quotes that Stacie used from her three-year old son, Ryan. Ryan is determined to make sure his Mommy is happy. In fact, he checks in several times a day with questions like, "Mommy, does this make you so happy?" or "Mommy, are you so happy with me?" 

Stacie lives in a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband and four children, ranging in age from 3 to 13, which means lots of sports, music and other adventures. She has been scrapbooking since 2000, when she created her wedding album and she is most productive when she works with the pockets of time she can snatch up. She will often set photos out with coordinating papers and products and use sketches and other BPC lesson ideas and challenges to spark her creativity and get her started. At the present, her most used scrapbooking elements are enamel dots, "I find myself using them on everything!" Stacie is an elementary school teacher and she loves reading books and blogs. She enjoys being outside with her family and in her garden. He favorite indulgence is dark chocolate (mine too!) and right now, as you might guess, she is most looking forward to summer, which means a break from teaching and time to relax and travel with her kids. 

Stacie discovered Big Picture Classes years ago, through her subscription to Creating Keepsakes magazine. She is loving the new platform because of the variety of classes. She can always find something that she is in the mood for—pocket pages, layouts, techniques, etc. She especially appreciates the instructors who use video instruction because it is so helpful to see and hear how they apply ideas to their creative process. 

We are thrilled that Stacie is a part of our BPC community and we wish her happy trails as she wraps up another busy school year! 

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  1. TaniaB TaniaB says…

    I love this layout!!!

    1 Reply 0 Replies
  2. tpgirl tpgirl says…

    this layout is so inspiring.

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